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UTM Parameters – The Complete 2023 Guide

utm parameters complete guide

Ever wondered how top marketers keep track of their campaigns’ performance across multiple platforms and channels? It’s no secret: they use UTM parameters. These invaluable tracking codes added to URLs give them accurate insights into their marketing efforts, helping them optimize their strategies. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive deep into the world of UTM parameters, revealing their importance in marketing success, and exploring how they can be applied across various marketing channels to gain valuable insights and improve your marketing strategies.

Key Takeaways

  • This article provides an in-depth look at UTM parameters and their role in helping marketers track and measure the success of their campaigns.
  • Creating, implementing, integrating with Google Analytics, and utilizing best practices are essential for effective tracking.
  • UTM use cases provide valuable insights when applied across multiple marketing channels to optimize strategies for increased engagement & conversions.
Understanding UTM Parameters The Basics

Understanding UTM Parameters: The Basics

UTM parameters, short for Urchin Tracking Module codes, are tracking codes appended to URLs to evaluate campaign efficacy and visitor origins. To use UTM parameters, simply add them to your URLs to track where traffic is coming from and help in understanding the performance of various marketing channels. Why are UTM parameters important? They provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of your marketing efforts, making utm parameters to track an essential tool for marketers. By understanding how utm parameters work, you can optimize your campaigns and make data-driven decisions.

There are five standard types of UTM parameters:

  1. Source
  2. Medium
  3. Campaign
  4. Term
  5. Content

These parameters allow marketers to gain valuable insights into their marketing campaigns and optimize their efforts.

An example of a URL containing UTM tags would look like this: “” have been included. This helps us in tracking the progress of our onboarding process. When UTM parameters are integrated with analytics tools such as Google Analytics, Tableau, Mixpanel, and Hotjar, they offer robust tracking capabilities, immune to changes in or deactivation of cookies and third-party tracking pixels.

The Importance of UTM Parameters for Marketing Success

The Importance of UTM Parameters for Marketing Success

UTM parameters play a crucial role in marketing success by providing precise attribution, assessing campaign performance, computing ROI, segmenting audiences, and facilitating data-driven decision-making. Using tools like Ortto, marketers can effectively engage leads through email, SMS, and in-app messaging, and automate notifications of signups to their team. With the help of UTM parameters, businesses can accurately assess the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns and track UTM links to determine which are driving traffic and revenue.

Moreover, UTM parameters enable marketers to accurately measure the success of their campaigns and track traffic from various sources, helping them optimize their efforts and improve overall performance. Adding UTM parameters to URLs allows for the measurement of critical metrics such as goal conversions, bounce rate, and average time on-site per campaign through tools like Google Analytics. This data equips you to make informed decisions and fine-tune your marketing strategies across different platforms.

The Five Standard UTM Parameters

The Five Standard UTM Parameters: A Closer Look

We will now delve into the five standard UTM parameters that assist in tracking various facets of marketing campaigns:

  1. Source (traffic source)
  2. Medium (type of traffic)
  3. Campaign (specific campaign)
  4. Term (keywords)
  5. Content (specific content or link clicked)

Each of these parameters serves a unique purpose in helping marketers monitor and analyze their campaign performance across various platforms.



The source parameter is a key component of UTM codes, identifying the origin of traffic, such as:

  • Social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn)
  • Search engines (Google, Bing)
  • Email newsletters
  • Affiliate websites
  • Display ads

Examples of source parameters found in UTM codes.

To define and implement a source parameter correctly, add the ‘utm_source’ parameter to your URL and use consistent naming conventions for your utm_source values to ensure precise tracking and reporting.



The medium parameter in UTM tracking serves to differentiate between types of traffic, such as organic, paid, or referral. For tracking social media marketing performance, the utm_medium parameter can be utilized by adding the value “social” to all links shared on any social channel.

Examples of medium parameters in UTM codes include:

  • CPC
  • email
  • social
  • referral
  • display

Differentiating between paid and organic social traffic in Google Analytics is essential for accurately assessing the performance of marketing campaigns.



The campaign parameter, represented by utm_campaign, is utilized to monitor various marketing campaigns and their effectiveness. By organizing links for different marketing campaign efforts and monitoring marketing output for distinct customer personas, you can gain valuable insights into the performance of your campaign efforts.

Examples of campaign names that can be used in UTM parameters include Black Friday, always_on, and webinars. The campaign parameter plays a vital role in distinguishing between multiple marketing campaigns and analyzing their success.



The term parameter, represented by utm_term, serves to monitor particular keywords utilized in paid search ads. This utm parameter is employed to track search keywords or key phrases, providing valuable data for optimizing ad performance. It is important to note that the Campaign term parameter is exclusively used to monitor keywords employed in paid search ads, and not applicable to non-paid search ads.



The content parameter, represented by utm_content, serves to identify which specific link or content was clicked within a campaign. This parameter is utilized to differentiate between different versions or variations of the same content, allowing for tracking and analysis of the performance of various content variations within a campaign. The content parameter works in tandem with other UTM parameters, such as source, medium, campaign, and term, to provide more comprehensive insights into your marketing efforts.

Creating and Implementing UTM Codes

Creating and Implementing UTM Codes

Creating UTM codes can be done manually or by using tools like the Google URL Builder. The manual process involves manually adding UTM parameters to the end of a URL, which can be tedious and prone to mistakes, particularly when working with lengthy UTM codes. On the other hand, the Google URL Builder tool is a utility that facilitates the generation of UTM parameters. Users can enter the desired parameters and click the “Copy URL” button to generate the URL with the corresponding UTM code.

Implementing UTM codes involves appending them to your URLs and ensuring that they are included in your marketing campaigns. This guarantees proper tracking of your campaign performance and allows for valuable insights to be gained from your marketing efforts. Integrating UTM parameters with analytics tools like Google Analytics enables the assessment of key metrics such as goal conversions, bounce rate, and average time on-site per campaign. These insights aid in the optimization of marketing strategies across different platforms.

Integrating UTM Parameters with Google Analytics

Integrating UTM Parameters with Google Analytics

Google Analytics integration with UTM parameters is pivotal for monitoring campaign performance and refining marketing strategies. Proper configuration and linking of UTM parameters with your Google Analytics account allow access to valuable campaign performance data, tracking of visitor sources, and data-driven decision-making to enhance marketing efforts.

To access the data provided by UTM parameters in Google Analytics, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Reports tab.
  2. Select the Traffic Acquisition tab.
  3. Leverage the User Acquisition and Traffic Acquisition reports to gain further insight into the performance of your channels and campaigns.
  4. Use this information to optimize your marketing strategies and achieve better results.
Best Practices for Effective UTM Tracking

Best Practices for Effective UTM Tracking

For effective UTM tracking, adherence to certain best practices is recommended. Here are some tips to follow:

  1. Establish consistent naming conventions for your UTM parameters to ensure consistent and accurate campaign performance tracking.
  2. Regularly check for errors, such as typos or inconsistencies in your UTM parameters, to avoid distorting your data.
  3. Maintain a consistent format for your UTM parameters, such as using lowercase letters and avoiding spaces between words, to ensure accurate data collection.

By following these best practices, you can effectively track and analyze your campaign performance using UTM parameters.

Another best practice is to utilize tools like Google Analytics to monitor and analyze your campaign performance, making it easier to identify strengths and weaknesses in your marketing efforts. By following these best practices and regularly troubleshooting and optimizing your UTM tracking, you can ensure accurate data collection and make data-driven decisions to improve your marketing strategies.

UTM Parameters in Various Marketing Channels

Practical Applications of UTM Parameters in Various Marketing Channels

UTM parameters can be applied across various marketing channels to gain valuable insights and optimize campaigns. We will now discuss the application of UTM parameters across various channels such as:

  • Social media
  • Email marketing
  • Google Business Profiles
  • Google Ads
  • Other tracking efforts

By understanding the practical applications of UTM parameters in these channels, you can make better-informed decisions and optimize your marketing strategies for maximum results.

UTM Use Case and Examples for Social Media

UTM Use Case and Examples for Social Media

UTM parameters are particularly useful in social media marketing, as they enable you to track the performance of your campaigns across different platforms, identify top-performing platforms, and optimize content for maximum engagement. For example, by adding distinct campaign sources to posts on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, you can identify the source of traffic and assess which social network performed best in terms of driving sales.

Implementing UTM parameters in social media marketing efforts allows for the collection of valuable insights on campaign performance and supports data-driven decision-making to enhance social media strategies. This can lead to increased click-through rates, conversions, and overall campaign success.

UTM Use Case and Examples for Email Marketing

UTM Use Case and Examples for Email Marketing

In email marketing, UTM parameters enable marketers to track click-through rates, conversions, and overall campaign performance. Incorporating UTM parameters into email campaigns enables the monitoring of email performance and identification of those generating maximum engagement and conversions.

For example, you can use source, medium, and campaign parameters in your email marketing campaigns to track the performance of different emails sent to your subscribers. This information can help you refine your email marketing strategy by focusing on the most effective campaigns, improving the overall success of your email marketing efforts.

UTM Use Case and Examples for Google Business Profiles

UTM Use Case and Examples for Google Business Profiles

UTM parameters for Google Business Profiles enable tracking and measurement of the performance of your GMB listing in Google Analytics and Google Search Console. To add utm parameters to GMB links helps garner valuable data on marketing effectiveness and supports informed decision-making for optimizing online presence.

This includes tracking website traffic, visits to your business profile, clicks on your profile’s website link, calls made from your profile, and directions requested from your profile.

UTM Use Case and Examples for Google Ads

UTM Use Case and Examples for Google Ads

UTM parameters in Google Ads can help marketers identify high-performing keywords, ad creatives, and campaigns, ultimately optimizing ad spend and ROI. Incorporating UTM parameters into Google Ads campaigns allows for:

  • Tracking ad performance
  • Making data-driven decisions to refine ad targeting and bidding strategies
  • More efficient use of your advertising budget
  • Better overall campaign performance.
UTM Use Case and Examples for Other Tracking

UTM Use Case and Examples for Other Tracking

In addition to the marketing channels mentioned above, UTM parameters can also be applied to other tracking efforts, such as influencer marketing, content partnerships, and A/B testing. For instance, UTM parameters can facilitate the tracking of ROI in influencer marketing by monitoring the traffic and conversions generated by influencers’ promotional efforts.

Similarly, UTM parameters can be leveraged for content partnership tracking by incorporating the ‘utm_content’ parameter, which enables you to specify the specific content or variation of the campaign, such as a particular ad or landing page. By including this parameter in the URL, you can monitor the performance of your content partnership campaigns and make data-driven decisions to optimize your marketing efforts.

troubleshooting utm tracking

Troubleshooting and Optimizing UTM Tracking

Regular troubleshooting and optimization are required for accurate and efficient UTM tracking. One of the key aspects of troubleshooting is to regularly check for errors or inconsistencies in your UTM parameters, such as typos or formatting issues. Maintaining consistent naming conventions and formatting for your UTM parameters is also essential to ensure accurate data collection and reporting.

By using web analytics software like Google Analytics to monitor and analyze your campaign performance, you can identify areas of improvement and make data-driven decisions to optimize your marketing strategies. Troubleshooting and optimizing your UTM tracking is crucial for gaining accurate insights into your marketing efforts and achieving better results.


In conclusion, UTM parameters play a vital role in helping marketers monitor and analyze the performance of their marketing campaigns across various channels. By understanding the basics of UTM parameters, implementing them in your marketing efforts, and following best practices for effective UTM tracking, you can gain valuable insights into the success of your campaigns, optimize your marketing strategies, and ultimately achieve better results. Remember, the key to success lies in the data, and UTM parameters are the tools that help you unlock this treasure trove of information.

Frequently Asked Questions 9

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the UTM parameters of a URL?

UTM parameters are a set of five parameters (utm_campaign, utm_medium, utm_source, utm_term, and utm_content) which can be added to URLs to provide insights in analytics reports. These parameters are used to identify the campaign that refers traffic to a website, parsed by analytics tools, and composed of a snippet of text added at the end of the URL.

What are UTM parameters examples?

Based on the provided text, it appears to be a single paragraph. Here is the split version: Paragraph 1: “` UTM parameters are tags used to identify the source, medium, campaign, content, and term of web traffic. These examples include utm_source, utm_medium, utm_campaign, utm_content, and utm_term.

How can UTM parameters help optimize marketing strategies?

UTM parameters enable marketers to gain valuable insights into their campaigns, helping them make data-driven decisions to optimize their marketing strategies.

Are UTM parameters only applicable to digital marketing channels?

No, UTM parameters are not limited to digital marketing channels and can be applied to various marketing initiatives.

What is the importance of maintaining consistent naming conventions for UTM parameters?

Maintaining consistent naming conventions for UTM parameters is essential for uniform and accurate tracking, data collection, and reporting.

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