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Cornerstone Content

What is Cornerstone Content?

Cornerstone content also referred to as Core Content, is a term used in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to describe a set of web pages that are considered essential to a website’s structure and message. These pages are often the most informative and comprehensive pages on a website, and they cover the core topics that a website is focused on. Cornerstone content is meant to be the foundation of a website’s SEO strategy, providing the most valuable and informative content for visitors and search engines alike.

Cornerstone Content Relationship to Web Design

Cornerstone content is closely related to web design in that it represents the essential information architecture of a website. A website’s cornerstone content will often be prominently displayed on the homepage or main navigation, making it easy for visitors to find and understand. In this sense, web design plays a critical role in ensuring that cornerstone content is effectively presented to visitors.

Cornerstone Content Relationship to Accessibility and User Experience

Accessibility and user experience are also closely related to cornerstone content. Effective cornerstone content should be accessible to all visitors, regardless of their physical or cognitive abilities. This means using clear, easy-to-read language and providing alternative text for images and other non-text elements. In addition, effective cornerstone content should be easy to navigate, with clear headings and a logical structure that guides visitors through the content.

Relationship to Search Engine Optimization

Cornerstone content is primarily focused on search engine optimization, as it represents the most valuable and informative content on a website. By focusing on the core topics of a website, cornerstone content can help improve a website’s rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs). However, it’s important to note that effective cornerstone content is not just about keywords and rankings. It’s also about providing valuable, informative content that meets the needs of visitors and establishes a website as an authoritative source in its niche.

Black Hat Warning

It’s worth noting that some SEO practitioners have attempted to use cornerstone content in a way that violates Google’s guidelines, such as by creating low-quality or spammy content simply to target specific keywords. This type of activity is considered black hat SEO and can result in penalties from search engines. It’s important to approach cornerstone content as a way to provide high-quality, informative content that meets the needs of visitors, rather than as a way to manipulate search engine rankings.

History and Usage

The concept of cornerstone content has been around for many years, but it was popularized by the Yoast SEO plugin for WordPress. The plugin introduced the concept of creating cornerstone content as a way to establish a website’s authority on specific topics and to improve its rankings in search engine results pages. Since then, cornerstone content has become a widely accepted best practice in SEO, and it’s considered an essential component of any effective SEO strategy.

Common Questions about Cornerstone Content

  1. What makes content “cornerstone” content?
    Cornerstone content is typically comprehensive, informative, and focused on the core topics of a website. It should be the most valuable and informative content on a website, and it should cover the essential topics that a website is focused on.
  2. How many pieces of cornerstone content should a website have?
    The number of pieces of cornerstone content a website should have will depend on the size and scope of the website. A smaller website may have only one or two pieces of cornerstone content, while a larger website may have several.
  3. How often should cornerstone content be updated?
    Cornerstone content should be updated regularly to ensure that it remains accurate and up-to-date. The frequency of updates will depend on the content itself and how rapidly the topic it covers is changing.
  4. Can cornerstone content be used for multiple topics?
    Cornerstone content should be focused on a specific topic or set of related topics. While it’s possible to cover multiple topics in a single piece of content, it’s generally more effective to create separate pieces of cornerstone content for each topic.


In conclusion, cornerstone content plays a critical role in a website’s SEO strategy, providing the most valuable and informative content for visitors and search engines alike. It is closely related to web design, accessibility, and user experience, and should be approached as a way to provide high-quality, informative content that meets the needs of visitors, rather than as a way to manipulate search engine rankings. Effective cornerstone content should be comprehensive, informative, and focused on the core topics of a website, and it should be updated regularly to ensure that it remains accurate and up-to-date. By focusing on creating high-quality cornerstone content, website owners can establish themselves as authorities in their niches and improve their rankings in search engine results pages.

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